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It is the pursuit of an ideal, an unfolding vision. It is a look back thousands of years ago to an emerging community of those who called themselves Christ followers. This is in no grandiose way a creating of something new. We are not trying to be original by any stretch of the imagination. Instead I would rather think of this endeavour as an archaeological expedition. UCC (Uptown Community Church) is an uncovering, rediscovering and devoting ourselves to an ancient path that was gloriously and sacrificially lived out but the most unlikely of people. 

Raja Stone, Lead Pastor 
Uptown Community Church


Uptown Community Church is part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada.  We are participate in the ongoing faithful work of the C&MA around the world.  The Alliance are involved in refugee sponsorships, feeding programs and sharing the gospel to unreached people groups around the world.  Click the link to find out more about the life changing work being done globally.


Welcome Home Refugee House exists to provide short-term housing to refugee new arrivals from every ethnic and religious background.  Emotional and spiritual support is offered to newcomers that choose us as their residence.  We assist the refugee with settlement and seek to advocate on their behalf by engaging the community, especially the local churches.  Ultimately, our goal is to provide the support, connections and skills that will enable refugees to lead a healthy and productive life. 


It’s vital for church health that each of us serve, so we want to thank you for taking time to find your fit in one of our serving roles.  Please click on the links below to find out what roles we currently have available and a place to sign up. As you read through each position please pray about how you can serve and make our church stronger.  The healthier we are, the more effectively we can fulfill our mission of reaching people for Christ and leading them to be fully devoted to Him.

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