I Witness
Part 3
Raja Stone
Our Kid's ministry at Uptown Community Church works to teach even our youngest children about God's love for them. We work hard to provide a safe, engaging, learning environment where kids can be kids! Our prayer is that our children will begin a personal relationship with God while they are very young that will continue to be the foundation of their lives throughout their entire lifetime. We teach our kids using innovative age-appropriate learning methods based on current child development research. We believe that children learn best when they are actively involved in the process, using all of their senses to make new discoveries.our UCC Kids team members are trained, screened and equipped to minister to your child each week. We provide great attention to detail when it comes to our children, from providing clean, safe rooms to theologically sound Bible curriculum. We are very excited about the direction our kids's ministry is moving, and we would love for you and your children to be involved
Children ministry
Youth ministry
The Avenue is a place where youth can come and be enlightened by God's word, experience the community of His people, and worship the Creator. When studying and learning more about God and the Bible there is a balancing act as a Christ follower. We have to take spiritual calories in as well as expel them out. Here at the Avenue we try and give youth both of those opportunities. We want to feed them spiritually as well give them a chance to serve the community. We want youth to be empowered by God to go out and be different in a world that needs different people to step out and serve God. The Avenue may be small but we are mighty, we try and push our youth to become young men and women of God. Our goal is not to keep them in the same spot but help them continue to move forward in life.
A Wednesday night for us contains a time of fun, worship, speaking, and small group. We try to encourage youth to encounter God in all of those ways because God can interact with people differently. We know that everyone learns differently so we try and hit all the areas and ways to do so. The Avenue is geared to minister to the needs of youth in grade 7 through high school (17).
Young Adults ministry
At Resonate we don’t search for perfection we give grace. We know that we will never be perfect but because of God's grace we have freedom from sin. At Resonate our focus is to study God’s word and encounter Him in different ways. On a Monday night we have a time of worship, study and prayer. Our group is up to pray for one another in an amazing way not just for the small things but for the things the enemy is trying to hold us back with. The desire of our group is to help people build a solid community but most importantly to facilitate an environment where you can interact with God. We know our group is not perfect but we know our God fills in all the holes that we have. Those 18+ are welcome to join us on a Monday evening from 7-10 for a great night of fellowship and worship.
City groups
Do you long to be part of a caring community? There’s no better way than through a City Group. These home-based study groups meet regularly to learn, laugh, and journey through life together. We have new ones forming all the time, and others that are looking to expand.
to sign-up for a group, contact info@uccwaterloo.ca