I Witness
Part 3
Raja Stone
About us
our Value:
To fulfill our calling to reach the Uptown core of Waterloo, we want to deepen our faith and our understanding God’s love for us and, in response, find practical ways to express God’s love to others. We call this Intentional Faith. There are three core values that guide us. We value the Word, Worship, and Community. Each value can be expressed practically in two ways, tensions that help us balance our ministry focus.
Read more about our values click here.
We are devoted to learning and living the Bible; to understanding it and allowing it to impact our lives.
Word:learning & Living
Community: Calling & Caring

We want to be a community of worshipers that bring glory to God through singing and service. Our Sunday meetings begin with singing and praise.
Worship: Singing & Service

Community: Calling & Caring People long for deep authentic relationships. We want to be a community that is calling and caring. We are open, inviting, and ready to receive those who are looking for us. We embrace and are ready to care for those amongst us.